Both of our clinics are within a short walk of the major shopping hubs at Eaton and Australind. Apart from our clinics, our doctors, from time to time, and depending on their sub-specialty, also attend to patients outside of the clinic locations. More details about the locations in which we practice are below:

Eaton Medical Centre & Skin Clinic
Eaton Medical Centre & Skin Clinic is 200m from Eaton Fair Shopping Centre, next to the dental practice and across the road from Capital Radiology. The clinic has 9 GP consult rooms, 2 nurse consult rooms, and 2 well-equipped separate treatment/procedure rooms. Eaton Skin and Aesthetics, Bunbury Pathology, and Eaton Medical Centre Pharmacy are also located in the same building.
Australind Medical Centre & Skin Clinic
Australind Medical Centre & Skin Clinic is located next door to the Terry White Pharmacy at Australind Shopping Village. It is in proximity to Bunbury Pathology, the Physio Group South West and the South West Foot and Ankle Clinic. There are 4 GP consult rooms, one treatment/procedure room and a nurse consult room.