Let’s Make a Booking
Our standard appointment length is 10 minutes. A long appointment is booked for 20 minutes. Medicals, procedures and care plan reviews all depend on the nature of the appointment and further guidance can be given at the time of booking.
Book Online At Eaton Medical
Book Online At Australind

About Our Clinics
We go out of our way to make sure your experience is welcoming, comfortable and clinically excellent. Since the beginning we have built the practice on a tenancy of strong family values and an unwavering commitment to you and your family’s well-being.
Our practice has been providing primary care medical services to the Australind and Eaton communities and surrounds since the early 1990s when Dr Mike Eaton opened a single doctor practice in the Australind Shopping Centre. By the mid-1990s new doctors had joined the practice and we had moved into our current surgery at 1 Mulgara St, Australind after its construction, and where we have remained.